6 Easy Tips for More Profitable YouTube Advertising

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6 Easy Tips for More Profitable YouTube Advertising

#6 Easy Tips for More Profitable YouTube Advertising| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Did you know that people watch 5 billion videos on YouTube every day? 事实上, 300个小时的视频 are uploaded to YouTube every minute! (更酷 YouTube数据 这里).


This might not even surprise you, 因为YouTube是领先的服务,它在2005年让人们可以轻松地把视频放到网上. 快进到2017年 if your marketing strategy does not have a video component 与此相关联,你的知名度和业务增长潜力都会受到影响. 视频应该成为市场营销的关键部分,因为你的观众会消费多少视频内容.

但, with many other companies knowing this, 要在竞争中脱颖而出变得越来越难了. 这就是为什么广告支出需要分配给像YouTube这样的服务,以便 gain visibility from your target audience.

Although similar to paid search spend, YouTube的广告世界乍一看可能有点势不可挡,难以驾驭. Below are six tips to help you spend your YouTube ad budget in a smart way 真正吸引最重要的人,你的未来客户的注意.

Note: For help with YouTube广告 during the pandemic, head to 4 Tips for YouTube Advertising During COVID-19.

1. Choose Your YouTube广告形式at Wisely

The first complicated fact about YouTube广告 is that there are many different ad formats available. 从保险杠广告到赞助卡,再到显示广告,再到可跳过或不可跳过的视频广告(需要注意的是,不可跳过的广告正在出现) 死于2018年).

你应该从哪里开始? 好的,你应该首先阅读每一个单独的格式 这里是YouTube帮助页面, and then considering what your main goal is.


例如, if you’re looking to 提高品牌知名度 如果有一个吸引人的视频广告,那么运行TrueView流内广告或发现广告就更有意义了. 另一方面, 如果你想要更有针对性,获得真正对你的产品感兴趣的网站, it might make sense to use sponsored cards.

我的建议是 experiment with a few ad formats 并比较性能. 确保遵循谷歌概述的规格,以确保尺寸和质量匹配. 在市场调查中投资了解广告格式可以帮助你达到你的商业目标,这是值得的.

相关: 想知道平均数吗 YouTube广告费用? Our friends at LOCALiQ have you covered!

2. Segment In-Stream and Discovery Ads into Different Campaigns

类似于你应该把你的谷歌AdWords广告分成 搜索和. 显示网络, you should be doing the same with your video ads. 为什么? In-stream ads and discovery ads (previously known as in-display ads) are very distinct from one another,

有什么区别? In-stream ads play before, during, or after other videos. Discovery ads appear next to related YouTube视频,作为YouTube搜索结果的一部分,或与其他内容一起跨显示网络.


Example of a YouTube discovery ad


“These formats tend to perform very differently, 因此,您将希望能够评估性能,并为每种格式调整不同的设置和出价,” according to Alyssa Codd at 度量理论.

3. Take Advantage of YouTube Targeting Options

Just as you should when advertising on 百度, 微博, 或者谷歌, 你需要密切关注消费你的信息的受众.  有数百万的 YouTube视频的观众 在那里, 为什么要把钱浪费在不合格的、不相关的、不可能对你的产品感兴趣的人身上?

How to form a YouTube Audience


YouTube在控制谁看到你的广告方面有很大的灵活性. 从 人口目标, 然后,您可以在亲和观众(针对对某个主题感兴趣的人)上进行分层, 自定义亲和的观众, 和市场观众.

例如, 如果你在一个特定的地点销售高尔夫课程,那么在该地区向已经对高尔夫感兴趣的典型客户做广告是有意义的.

YouTube Advertising Targeting 4. 建立视频再营销

Remarketing is by far the most effective 定位方法 在我看来, 因为你有安全感,知道这些观众已经通过访问你的网站表达了对你的公司的兴趣.

如果你不熟悉 再处置, 这是一种在其他地方(想想社交网络)发布广告的方式, websites via the Display Network, 当然还有YouTube). 这可能听起来令人毛骨悚然,但它是有效的,甚至可能以前对你起过作用. 例如, 这双新鞋不断出现在你的百度上,所以你最终买了它. 是的,那是再营销!


“To put it simply, it works,” says 来自veerrol的Anja Kicken. “已经访问过你网站的人比从未听说过你的人更有可能对你提供的任何东西感兴趣.”

The great thing about 再处置 is it’s relatively easy to set up, 一旦配置好,除了跟踪有效性(我相信你会满意的),你不需要做太多的事情!).

5. Create Compelling, Human Content that Feels Native

互联网上有这么多的视频内容,可以选择跳过和x-out大多数 YouTube广告, it’s important to focus on producing high-quality video content. 把质量想象成与你的典型广告不一样的东西, as in it’s not an annoyance or disturbance.

无论是一个 compelling story that pulls at the heartstrings or a joke/prank that has your audience on the floor laughing. 你的目标应该是让玩家参与其中,创造出让人感觉自然和自然的体验. Like this one, which was one of the top 10 most viewed YouTube视频 of 2015:

6. Drive Action by Adding Interactive Elements to Your Ads

你知道你可以连接你的购物车与TrueView视频广告吗? You can also add calls-to-action, cards to showcase products, or even auto-end screens encouraging the viewer to download your app.


Whether your business model is B2B or B2C, you have some goal in mind that has led you to advertise, so why not capitalize on these features to drive action? Having a great ad is one thing, 但从广告中获得切实的结果和新业务则是另一回事, 因此,探索这些可操作的功能,以更快地实现视频广告目标.

How to Create More Profitable YouTube Ads [Summary]:

In sum, follow these six tips for 更好的YouTube广告:

Choose the right ad format based on your goal Segment in-stream and discovery ads into separate campaigns Use advanced YouTube targeting options Set up a video 再处置 campaign Create compelling, emotional video ads that tell stories Drive action with interactive links in your videos

And don’t forget to measure your success! 查看:

四个被低估的YouTube指标来量化你的视频营销成功 你在谷歌广告中找不到的4个非常有用的YouTube工作室报告. 玛戈特惠特尼 满足作者 玛戈特惠特尼

玛戈特是九州体育馆app下载的内容营销专家,也是弗雷明汉州立大学的营养学研究生. 她喜欢所有数字化的东西,学习营养、跑步、旅行和烹饪.

查看其他帖子 玛戈特惠特尼

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